About Me

 Hello, I am Candice. The founder & CEO of pierre cle'a. Located in the heart of Florence Kentucky. I am an entrepreneur, fashion stylist, philanthropist, loving mother, and unshakable optimist. I have gone through many challenges and complex situations. Yet, I made the choice to never give up on my dreams. I am dedicated to helping others and therefore take pride in providing you with original timeless pieces. As an expert stylist I am always there to transform a closet, style the current trends, and most importantly, dedicated to helping each individual client create their signature look. With pierre cle'a styles you will leave a fashion statement wherever you go. Not just for today's trends, but for years to come. It is with pleasure that I offer these personalized services.


My passion doesn't end with fashion. I understand the importance of wellness, inside and out. A portion of all proceeds will go to my newly founded non- profit organization, Neil's Angels Outreach Center. An organization focused on addiction recovery and support for their families. I am committed to elevating our community as this is key to building a healthier future for all.

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